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The Re-Invention of the World

By Wolfgang Simson

I will explode if I am not part of this! (Samuel, 16, Bulgaria)

After God created the world beautifully, every aspect of life became infected by the cancer of greed, big egos and fear (the GEF-virus!). This created a moral ice age; love grew cold, and money seems to rule the world. Without curing GEF, every attempt to make the world a better place remains part of the problem. But what if we could overcome GEF and create true alternatives in all areas of life like energy, health, education, business, finances? Most first readers of this small but powerful booklet found it hard to go to sleep afterwards. They got caught in an exciting new vision that begins everywhere where people stop complaining or resigning, but find fresh inspirations to launch game changing innovations that literally break the ice: cars running on water, independent energy creation, the curing of seemingly incurable diseases and much more. If an increasing number of areas of life are changed by an increasing number of innovators, we are actually looking at the Re-Invention of the World, one piece at a time. Do not miss out to be part of it! This free e-book is the small brother of a larger book with the same title that will be available in 2015.

Dieses kostenlose E-Book ist der kleine Bruder des im Jahre 2015 erscheinenden Vollbuchs Die Wiedererfindung der Welt von Wolfgang Simson.

Download The Re-Invention of the World – PDF Version



The Kingdom Manifesto – Prepare for what comes after Christianity

By Wolfgang Simson

the-kingdom-manifestoMany are saying: God yes, church no. And they discover: Jesus preached the Kingdom, what came was the church. If a Christianity that has turned into a man-made religion is part of the problem, what does it mean to be part of the solution? This free e-book points out the first and most crucial steps into life in the Kingdom, the domain of God’s uncontested rule. In addition, it gives you eight reasons why we are at the brink of a historic moment the author calls Kingdom Singularity, that moment Daniel describes like this: In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed … (Dan 2:44)

Download The Kingdom Manifesto – PDF Version





HINDU – Religion or Country?

By Sadhu Chellappa

indiaebookbysadhuchellappaIn this fascinating and explosive booklet, Sadhu Chellappa (Chennai) explains why the word Hindu is not a religious word at all, but simply a geographical description of those who live in the valley of the (H)Indus. It has been misused first by British colonisers and later by right-winged religious nationalism, even today.
If you love India, you will want to know what the term “Hinduism” truly means; you will be surprised! Download this booklet here and pass it on to many others!

Download HINDU – Religion or Country? – PDF Version