Mercy Simson: The King’s Woman – EBOOK


I must honestly say that I am overwhelmed. This must absolutely be read by men as well! The most serious attack of the enemy is against the family creational order indeed! If this is wrong all is out of order. The depth of revelation I find in the book is beyond what I have experienced before! Prophetic indeed!!
Miro (Bulgaria)

My husband and I are together reading “The King’s Woman” and we are awestruck at how God has His people on a parallel course. We are so enjoying the simplicity of this book. This same vision given to us some 8 years ago that you have put into words in such an accurate description of ‘Oneness’.
Mosi (Australia)

“Submission is the solution to disobedience.” Unless one knows how to enter into the Kingdom which is to ‘deny’ self and have the guts to do it, this book is no good for you.
Molong (The Philippines)

Das Kapitel ” Hidden” ist klasse! Es hat mich angesprochen und ich habe es mehrmals gelesen. Der Geist Gottes hat Dinge aufgedeckt von denen ich gar nicht wusste das sie da sind. Die Massage ist einfach und klar und doch zu 100% revolutionär weil es wenige leben. Leider. Toll das du das Buch fertig geschrieben hast, es ist richtig gut!
Anika (Germany)


This is not at all a book about women in church! It is about the love story of the universe, and you are supposed to be part of it! Jesus, the King, has gone all out in his historic effort to win back a bride that has gone completely AWOL (absent without official leave) and became the Prodigal Bride! Throughout history, both Israel and the traditional Church have forgotten her place in God’s creational order. Many have enjoyed playing “kings and queens” of God on their own so much so, that they have even pushed Christ off his throne and replaced him with religious leaders. They got trapped in headless, man-made religion that refuses to submit and obey – with devastating results.

Jesus said, “If you love me, obey my commands.” This book is seeking to recover a long lost truth, without which no woman, and no man, will ever enter into their legal heritage and authority as part of the Bride of Christ. The moment we respond in love and submit to Jesus like he submitted to his Father, you can almost hear that “click” when another person joins God’s creational order! Obedience in the Kingdom is never theoretical; it is practical, or it is not obedience!

Unlike many modern efforts of women to demonstrate that they can do all that men can do – with shouts of egalitarianism, feminism and gender mainstreaming on their lips – Mercy Simson brings a fresh and prophetic voice to the table. She invites all of us to God’s Kingdom alternative to traditional religion, which is boring to men, tiring to women, and frustrating to God! Even men will get excited when they grasp what it truly means to be a part of that incredible bride that is truthfully called The King’s Woman.